EngiScience Journals' Commitment

Upholding the integrity of the academic record necessitates a steadfast commitment to ethical publishing practices. This involves a continuous effort to ensure that all aspects of the publishing process, from submission to publication, adhere to the highest ethical standards. By doing so, the trustworthiness and reliability of the scholarly record are preserved, fostering confidence among readers, authors, and the wider academic community in the published works.

Supporting editors and reviewers in their pivotal roles within the peer-review process is crucial for maintaining its ethical and efficient execution. Providing them with the necessary resources, guidance, and training enables these key stakeholders to perform their duties effectively, ensuring that the review process is both rigorous and fair. This support system is essential for the detection and prevention of potential ethical issues, enhancing the overall quality and integrity of the publication process.

When allegations of research misconduct arise, it is imperative to address them with a comprehensive and transparent approach, following the guidelines set forth by the COPE Guidelines. This entails conducting investigations with thoroughness and impartiality, ensuring that all parties involved are treated fairly and that the findings of the investigation are communicated clearly. Such transparency is vital for upholding the trust of the academic community and demonstrates a commitment to rectifying and learning from instances of misconduct.

Furthermore, it is essential to safeguard the independence of editorial decisions, ensuring they are made free from undue influence by the journal's publisher or any external entities. This autonomy is fundamental to the integrity of the peer-review process, guaranteeing that manuscripts are evaluated solely on their academic merit and relevance to the journal's scope. Protecting editorial independence ensures that the published content is a true reflection of scholarly achievement and contributes meaningfully to the field.

Dealing with Unethical Behavior

Ensuring a clear and accessible pathway for individuals to voice ethical concerns or report allegations of misconduct is fundamental to maintaining the integrity of the research community. This process should be straightforward and well-publicized, enabling anyone—be they authors, reviewers, or readers—to report potential ethical breaches with confidence and ease. Such a mechanism is vital for fostering an environment where transparency and accountability are paramount, encouraging a proactive stance towards ethical vigilance.

Upon receiving allegations of misconduct, it is paramount that these concerns are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Initiating comprehensive investigations to ascertain the veracity of the complaints is a critical next step. These inquiries should be conducted with diligence and impartiality, ensuring that all parties involved are given a fair opportunity to respond to the allegations. The confidentiality of this process protects the reputations of all parties involved until a conclusive determination is made.

In instances where ethical violations are confirmed, it is imperative to apply sanctions that are commensurate with the severity of the infraction. Such actions may range from issuing formal retractions or corrections to publishing expressions of concern regarding the integrity of the work in question. These measures serve not only as a direct response to the specific incident but also as a deterrent against future violations, underscoring the commitment of the publication and its stakeholders to uphold the highest ethical standards.

Data Transparency and Sharing

Encouraging authors to share their research data is a crucial step towards fostering an open and collaborative scientific environment. Whenever feasible, authors should be prompted to provide clear statements regarding the availability of their research data, detailing how and where the data can be accessed. This practice not only facilitates the replication of research findings by others in the academic community but also enhances the overall credibility and utility of the published work. Additionally, encouraging the use of recognized data repositories for storing and sharing data ensures that this information is preserved in a secure and accessible manner, further promoting the principles of open science.

In parallel to promoting data sharing, it is essential to uphold the principle of transparency throughout the research process. This involves requiring authors to include detailed descriptions of the methodologies and analytical procedures employed in their studies within their manuscripts. By doing so, readers are provided with a comprehensive understanding of how the research was conducted, allowing them to critically assess the validity of the findings and potentially replicate the study if desired. This level of detail supports the integrity of the scientific record and contributes to the advancement of knowledge by enabling the scrutiny and verification of research methodologies and outcomes.

Originality and Plagiarism Policy

To uphold the integrity and originality of scholarly work, it is imperative to employ anti-plagiarism software as a preliminary measure for screening all submissions. This critical step in the editorial process ensures that each manuscript is evaluated for its uniqueness before undergoing further review. By checking submissions against a vast database of published works, this software identifies potential overlaps that could indicate plagiarism, thereby safeguarding the scholarly community against the dissemination of unoriginal content.

In tandem with the technological approach to maintaining originality, it is equally important to mandate that authors formally declare the authenticity of their contributions. This declaration involves authors affirming that the work they submit is entirely their own and that any ideas, data, text, or conceptual frameworks borrowed from other sources are clearly identified and properly cited. This dual strategy of using anti-plagiarism tools and requiring personal attestations from authors serves to reinforce the ethical standards expected in academic publishing, ensuring that all works contribute to the advancement of knowledge with integrity and transparency.

Authorship and Contributorship Criteria

In developing the framework for authorship, it is essential to establish transparent criteria that recognize individuals whose significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study directly impacted the research outcome. This approach ensures that authorship is attributed accurately and fairly, reflecting the intellectual and practical contributions made towards the development of the study. Each author listed should have a clear, definable role that justifies their inclusion, underscoring the collaborative effort required to bring the research to fruition.

Furthermore, it is crucial to formally recognize the contributions of those who provided support or assistance that, while valuable, does not meet the threshold for authorship. This acknowledgment takes place in a dedicated "Acknowledgments" section within the manuscript, where the efforts of technical assistants, critical advisers, data analysts, or any individuals who contributed resources or expertise can be appreciated. This section serves not only as a testament to the collaborative spirit of academic research but also ensures transparency in distinguishing between substantial intellectual contributions and supportive roles.

Changes to Authorship

Authors are expected to carefully consider the composition of the authorship list prior to the submission of their manuscript. To maintain the integrity of the academic record, any changes to the author list, including additions, removals, or rearrangements of author names, must be finalized during the editorial process and before the manuscript's acceptance.

For any change in authorship to be considered, the journal requires the submission of a completed Authorship Change Form. This form must be endorsed with the signatures of all listed authors, including those being added or removed, and must clearly articulate the reason behind the requested change. The unanimous approval of all original and prospective authors is mandatory for any modifications to proceed.

Should there be a request for changes in authorship after the manuscript has been accepted, it will inevitably lead to a delay in the publication process. In instances where the manuscript has already been published, any petitions for alterations in authorship will be declined.

The journal reserves the right to seek evidence substantiating the claims of authorship at any stage. Please be advised that any alterations to authorship following the acceptance of a manuscript will be executed solely at the discretion of the journal's editorial board.

Declaration of Competing Interests

It is mandated that all authors disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the reported work. Corresponding authors, representing all contributors to a manuscript, are required to disclose any financial and personal connections with individuals or organizations that could improperly influence (bias) their research. Potential conflicts of interest may include employment, consultancy roles, ownership of stocks, receipt of honoraria, compensation for providing expert testimony, filing of patent applications or holding patents, and receiving grants or other financial support. All authors, including those who have no competing interests to declare, must communicate this information to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is responsible for indicating, where applicable, that there are no conflicts of interest to declare. In instances where no author has a conflict of interest, a standard sentence provided in the journal's template should be included in the submission. If there is any, the corresponding author is responsible for filling out the Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Form and uploading it to the manuscript submission portal at the 'Attach Files' stage.

Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies

When authors utilize generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies during the writing process, they should employ these tools solely to enhance readability and language. The application of such technology must be supervised and controlled by humans, with authors meticulously reviewing and editing the outcomes. This caution is necessary because AI can produce outputs that appear authoritative yet may be inaccurate, incomplete, or biased. AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be credited as authors, co-authors, or cited as contributors.

This comprehensive ethics and malpractice statement underscores EngiScience's dedication to upholding the integrity of the scholarly record through rigorous, transparent, and ethical publication practices. We invite all participants in the publication process to join us in this commitment.

This statement embodies our commitment to uphold ethical standards and address any ethical concerns or misconduct. For further guidance or to raise concerns, please contact us at info@engiscience.com.