Teachers’ Preferences in Utilising Professional Learning Community Tools for English Language Teaching Collaboration
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This study investigates the preferences, challenges, and recommendations for improving the implementation of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) among English language teachers in Malaysia. Through qualitative email interviews with 30 teachers, this study robustly examines the utilisation of various collaborative tools within the Ministry of Education's KIT PLC in educational settings, enabling a comprehensive exploration of diverse teaching experiences and preferences. The findings suggest that 'Teacher Sharing Sessions', 'Peer Coaching', and 'Learning Walks' are the most favored tools for promoting collaboration among teachers. The study identifies significant challenges to effective PLC implementation, including time constraints, technology-related resource limitations, and resistance to new teaching methods. Recommendations for overcoming these challenges include integrating PLC activities into official schedules, enhancing resource allocation, and fostering a culture of collaboration and communication among educators. This research contributes to the field by outlining actionable strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of PLCs, aiming to improve teacher professional development and, ultimately, student learning outcomes. This study not only underscores the importance of collaborative professional environments in education but also provides a foundation for further research into optimising PLC frameworks to meet the evolving needs of teachers and students.
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