Nurturing Learning and Engagement Through Student Perceptions of Project-Based Learning
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Project-Based Learning (PBL) refers to an instructional approach where students engage in exploring and solving real-world, complex problems over an extended period. The present study aims to explore the impacts of project-based learning in nurturing student learning and engagement in Kurdish EFL high school context. The design of the study followed a descriptive approach using quantitative methods. The population of the study comprised 364 high school learners from grades 10, 11, and 12 in one of the public schools in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan region of Iraq. The data was analyzed through the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS). The independent sample t-test was employed to investigate the differences between male and female participants. Furthermore, ANOVA one-way was utilized to assess the variations among academic levels. The findings suggested that gender does not have a direct impact on experiences and attitudes of the learners towards PBL. Conversely, there is a significant difference between male and female in students’ perceptions in perceived benefits of PBL. Regarding the academic levels, there is a significant difference between grade 10 and 11 and grade 12 in both categories. These outcomes offer insights to teachers and educators to implement project-based learning in educational practices in various teaching environments.
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