EFL Academic Writing Challenges among First Year Students: Evidence from North and East Syria

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Abdulattif Yusuf Aljoza
Issa Mohammed Almustafa


The focus of this study was to explore English writing challenges faced by Alsharq University undergraduates in North and East Syria. A qualitative study was conducted for data collection using semi-structured individual interviews with 5 undergraduates. Conducting thematic analysis, the present study found that students need help in academic writing due to limited vocabulary, frequent grammatical errors, and sentence structure issues. They needed help with organizing ideas and adhering to academic writing conventions. The study's findings also revealed that different solutions were proposed, including enriching vocabulary through extensive practice, revising drafts to identify and correct errors, seeking peer support, and incorporating instructor feedback. These strategies were identified as key methods for improving the student's writing skills. The findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of the specific barriers English language learners face in English writing. Limitations and future research suggestions are discussed in the article.

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How to Cite
Aljoza, A. Y., & Almustafa, I. M. (2024). EFL Academic Writing Challenges among First Year Students: Evidence from North and East Syria. TESOL Today, 1(2), 79–90. https://doi.org/10.53898/tesol2024125


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