Analysis of the Relationship Between Engineering Project Management and Engineering Product Development: A Review
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This study explores the two distinct parts of engineering management: engineering product management and engineering project management. A qualitative systematic review method was employed, using purposively sampled literature and a desk-based research approach. Using thematic analysis, the researchers produced significant data findings. The findings suggest that Engineering Project Management and Engineering Product Development play a vital role in achieving success in engineering projects. While they possess distinct principles, practices, and concepts, they share important management techniques in the business realm. The findings also indicate significant disparities in methods, utility and resource allocation, and quality assurance while highlighting the absence of administrative functions in Engineering Product Development compared to Engineering Project Management. Furthermore, the study notes that greater creativity and efficiency in both management practices are enabled by current technology and methodology. The study's limitations include an extensive use of literature review data and a focus on a broad target area. Consequently, this suggests a need for empirical data to enhance experience-based research and focus on a specific industry for more precise outcomes.
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