Effects of Using Waste Glass Granular and Lightweight Pumice Granular on the Abrasion Resistance of Pervious Concrete
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Pervious concrete is one of the concrete types that contain no or little fine aggregate to obtain the void between aggregate particles for permitting passage of water through and reducing the risk of flooding. This article deals with the preparation of two sets of sustainable pervious concrete by using waste glass granular, lightweight pumice aggregate as a partial replacement of single-size coarse aggregate with six different ratios, including 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50%, for finding their effect on the mechanical properties, permeability, and abrasion resistance. The second group used waste glass granular as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate with the same rate of pumice aggregate to find their effect on the abrasion resistance ability of the previous concrete and compare them together. The obtained result showed that using lightweight aggregate as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate with a single size (9.5–12.5 mm) increased the mechanical properties and permeability of pervious concrete. The usage of LWA compared to the WGG in the previous concrete showed that LWA provided lower abrasion resistance ability (toughness) compared to the WGG.
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