Behavior of Normal Reinforced Concrete Two-Way Slabs with Openings: A Review
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The structural performance of two-way reinforced concrete slabs is significantly influenced by the presence of openings, which are frequently required for functional elements like staircases, lift shafts, and utility ducts. These apertures diminish slab stiffness and affect punching shear strength due to their size and placement. This review integrates experimental, analytical, and computational analyses to assess the influence of slab openings on structural performance. It discusses essential factors, including opening dimensions, configuration, positioning, and reinforcement techniques. The predicted reliability of design codes, such as ACI 318-19 (American Concrete Institute), Eurocode 2, and fib Model Code, is demonstrated, with an emphasis on their limitations in addressing opening effects. The results demonstrated that apertures adjacent to columns markedly reduce punching shear resistance by interrupting the critical shear perimeter and exacerbating stress concentrations. Nevertheless, the strategic positioning of reinforcements and the optimization of opening layouts alleviate these consequences. This literature review highlights the need for enhanced design specifications to guarantee safety and performance in reinforced concrete slab systems with apertures.
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Journal of Studies in Civil Engineering is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY-4.0).
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