Reviewing The Effectiveness of Different Methods of Applying Post-Tensioned Metal Straps (PTMS) In Enhancing the Flexural Strength of Normal Concrete Beams After Strengthening
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Concrete's strength and deformability can be enhanced by adding external lateral confinement. Several materials and confinement techniques have been investigated throughout the development of confined concrete, including Post-Tensioned Metal Straps (PTMS). This study compares three methods of using PTMS to strengthen normal Reinforced Concrete (R.C) beams in bending. First, the method of completely wrapping the beams longitudinally with metal straps is assessed. Secondly, the application of lateral metal straps is examined. Finally, the method of combining metal straps with steel channels is investigated. The assessment criteria included price, effort required for application, applicability of the method, strength enhancement, and ductility of the enhancement. It is concluded that wrapping the beam longitudinally with metal straps is the most cost-effective and easiest method. However, the use of metal straps with steel channels offers greater applicability, strength, and ductility, as it can be applied to any concrete beam. Finally, it is demonstrated that ANSYS can accurately model beams strengthened with metal straps, as evidenced by the good match between the failure modes of beams tested experimentally and analytically.
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