Factors Associated with Human-Controlled Motor Vehicle Fatal Crashes in Urban Area Using Fatality Ratio
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Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) remain a significant public health concern worldwide. This study analysed motor vehicle crashes in Tema-Ghana, focusing on factors associated with fatal crashes. Data extracted from road crash reports of the driver vehicle and licensing authority of Ghana (DVLA) from 2017-2020 were used. In total, 925 reports were found appropriate for the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and cross-tabulation analyses were conducted. The fatality ratio was further developed to investigate factors more likely to cause fatal crashes. The results showed that, in general, age, wrong overtaking, speeding, failure to yield right of way, and crash location had a statistically significant relationship with fatality. Furthermore, teenagers, unlicensed drivers, wrong overtaking, speeding, outside intersection areas, and uncontrolled intersections were factors that contributed to fatal crashes within the urban area. It was also found that males were more likely to be involved in fatal crashes than females. Several measures are outlined to address road crashes and fatality issues within urban areas.
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