Comparative Study of TLP250 and IR2132 Driver-Based Inverter for Induction Motor Driving

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Timothy Hutton Yurico
Slamet Riyadi


As time progresses, electric motors are used for industrial or commercial purposes. The need for a motor that is robust, simple, and easy to maintain has been answered by creating an induction motor that can handle the purpose. At the beginning of its use, induction motors were more often used at constant speeds. Using an inverter becomes one of the solutions at hand to control the induction motor. Nowadays, most inverters are controlled by the SPWM (Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation) method. This method can adjust the output voltage and frequency by setting the carrier signal's frequency value and the reference signal's amplitude. A driver circuit is needed to implement an SPWM-based inverter. This driver circuit is needed to isolate the power circuit from the controller. Moreover, this circuit is also used to increase the microcontroller output signal to trigger the IGBT gate switch. The IR2132 and TLP250 drivers are often used in three-phase inverter applications. These drivers have advantages and disadvantages. This paper discusses the capabilities of these two drivers when applied to a three-phase inverter that functions as an induction motor drive. This inverter-controlled induction motor is advantageous because it can be rotated at a nominal speed and frequency.

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How to Cite
Yurico, T. H. ., & Riyadi, S. . (2024). Comparative Study of TLP250 and IR2132 Driver-Based Inverter for Induction Motor Driving. Journal of Studies in Science and Engineering, 4(1), 26–43.
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