The Effectiveness of Social Media on Engineers Related Tasks

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Hawkar A. Haji
Araz A. Hamza
Kaywan O. Ahmed


In the beginning of 21st Century, Social Media developed and influenced on all aspects of modern lifestyle. Nowadays, Social Media is not only an entertainment and social networking tool, but also can be supposed as a way of linking different businesses, marketing, management, construction industry. Furthermore, it provides a framework for people around the world to interconnect, share information, and interrelate with each other. This study includes an investigation about the effects of Social Media on engineering related tasks, for this purpose, a questionnaire survey was performed for engineers with different gender, ages, and engineering status. Kurdistan Region-Iraq is the case study of this survey, the results of this study reveal that Social Media is one of the mostly used by engineers. It is also illustrated that Google, YouTube and Facebook are the mostly used platforms.

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How to Cite
Haji, H. A., Hamza, A. A., & Ahmed, K. O. (2021). The Effectiveness of Social Media on Engineers Related Tasks. Journal of Studies in Science and Engineering, 1(2), 50–62.
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