Comparative Studies on Micro-Fins Geometry for Fin Efficiency and Effectiveness
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The emergence of high-speed internet connectivity has enabled the development of very large-scale, integrated semiconductor chips and processors. High-speed data processors emit heat energy proportional to their operation speeds. Micro-fins have broad applications in medical devices and for cooling solar and fuel cells. Herein, natural convective heat transfer studies were conducted on copper- and aluminium-coated micro-fins. Rectangular, triangular, and parabolic specimens were fabricated (dimensions: 45×45×6mm3, spacing: 5 mm). The rectangular copper-coated micro-fin exhibited better performance than triangular micro-fins. Among all specimens, the parabolic copper- and aluminium-coated ones exhibited the best fin efficiency and effectiveness. The parabolic aluminium-coated micro-fin showed fin efficiency and fin effectiveness of 98.80% and 2.0, respectively, after one hour of heating. For the same heating duration, the parabolic copper-coated micro-fin showed the highest fin efficiency of 99.02%; its fin effectiveness was 2.60. The copper-coated micro-fin with the same geometry showed fin efficiency and effectiveness of 99.02 and 2.493, respectively, for four hours of heating.
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