Integrated Methodology for Construction Site Selection: A Case Study of the Tazeh Abad Neighborhood, Sanandaj City
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The best site selection for building construction projects is a substantial challenge in urban and architectural engineering because, in most cases, selecting a project's location is influenced by the intentions of politicians and the commands of governments rather than logical decisions. This gap has resulted in catastrophic mistakes in some cases. This research presents an expanded authentic method to address the gaps and aims to develop a technical approach for site selection by integrating qualitative parameters with quantitative factors using a Multi-Dimensional Matrix (MDM). About 70 qualitative and quantitative indicators, such as physical attributes, infrastructures, land features, access to services, brownfields, population density, landscape, environmental characters, and other effective parameters, based on the analysis of the research background as well as the opinions of 10 experts, were identified and classified. The method was implemented using a case study in which effective factors were analyzed in detail. In addition, the questionnaire method was also applied to discover the deficiencies of the case study site and its potential and to consider the residents' demands as the real participants of the project. The suggested method is a proper alternative to current arbitrary methods and minimizes mistakes.
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