Covid-19 and Functionality: By Providing Social Distancing of Indoor Common Spaces in Residential Building
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Before the COVID-19 pandemic, people spent on average around 90% of their time indoors. Nowadays, more than ever, with work-from-home commands in place, it is important that they rethink the design and procedure of buildings. Indoor common space parameters straight affect the comfort and well-being of occupants. After COVID-19 cooperates, occupants are at increased danger for many infections make worse by social distancing.
The aim of this study, to assess how to provide social distancing by evaluating the functionality of the plan type on the common indoor spaces in the multi-story apartment buildings in Erbil City.
The methodology in this study integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches to increase the accuracy of the research results. This study chose ten different floor plan types of multi-story apartment buildings established on space syntax (software design) analysis, and one primary syntactical indicator is visual connectivity. This research study responds to two questions that discover the effects of functionality in indoor common spaces to provide social distancing of residents.
The results determined that the layout design of the apartment space influences the social distancing of areas. Therefore, the results preferred the single-loaded corridor (gallery) plan over other types to provide social distancing post-COVID-19. The research establishes a foundation for future design and offers visions for new study instructions besides findings.
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