Groundwater Recharge Evaluation on The Duhok Dam Reservoir by Using (SWBAPP) Model

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Sarbast Ismael Abdi
Milat Hasan Abdullah


Groundwater recharge has been calculated of Duhok Dam District, Kurdistan region of Iraq by using soil water balance parameters, because of limited sources of water. The study area of 228.96 km2. The main purpose of this paper is to apply a water balance concept with using ( website data models in the Duhok dam basin to describe the groundwater recharge. The influence of groundwater recharge on the rainfall-runoff process was investigated in order to have a better knowledge of the storage runoff water in the Duhok dam lake, the annual groundwater change is (0.4mm, 1mm, -1mm, 12.3mm and -1.3mm) for the since (2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021) (respectively); depending on the rainfall- runoff amount and the soil moisture content (19.75%, 19.41%, 29.33%, 6.5% ) above average for the since (2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020) (respectively) which lead to be water surplus, but at since (2020-2021) soil moisture content was below average (-8.3%) lead to decrease groundwater storage (deficit water is happen), Finally, all of the results of water balance parameters indicate the reservoir of Duhok dam basin need to more rainfall to renewable (2021-2022) hydrological year.

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How to Cite
Abdi, S. I., & Abdullah, M. H. . (2022). Groundwater Recharge Evaluation on The Duhok Dam Reservoir by Using (SWBAPP) Model. Journal of Studies in Science and Engineering, 2(1), 1–16.
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