Comparison of Handwritten Recognition Methods on Arabic and Latin Characters

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Mehmet Tutar


In this article, both machine learning techniques and deep learning methods were applied on the digit datasets created using the Arabic and Latin alphabets, and the performances of the methods were compared. Each method was tested with various parameters and the results were analyzed. In addition, with this study, the recognizability of handwritten numeral datasets created using different alphabets was also observed. For experiments, an Arabic alphabet handwritten digit dataset (60,000 training and 10,000 testings) and a Latin alphabet handwritten digit dataset (60,000 training and 10,000 testings) were used. When the results of the experiment are examined, it is seen that successful results are obtained in the classification made with the MADBase dataset in some methods and in the classification made with the MNIST dataset in some methods. As a result, it can be stated that the handwriting character recognition success of a method cannot be measured only by the classification made on a dataset. Also, the digits written in the Arabic alphabet appear to be almost more recognizable than the digits written in the Latin alphabet.

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How to Cite
Tutar, M. (2022). Comparison of Handwritten Recognition Methods on Arabic and Latin Characters. Journal of Studies in Science and Engineering, 2(3), 22–30.
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