Using Peer Interaction to Improve Listening and Speaking Skills in Secondary EFL Context
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Peer interaction, a collaborative process where students engage in activities such as debates, discussions, feedback, and reflection, plays a pivotal role in language learning. This study aims to examine the impact of peer interaction on enhancing the listening and speaking skills of Kurdish EFL learners in secondary schools. Employing a quantitative methodology with a descriptive approach, the study investigated gender and academic-level differences through statistical analyses. An independent sample t-test revealed no significant differences between male and female participants (p > 0.05), while a one-way ANOVA indicated no statistically significant variations among different academic levels (p > 0.05). Despite these findings, the results underscore the overall effectiveness of peer interaction as a pedagogical strategy for developing communication skills. The study provides valuable insights for teachers and educators, emphasizing the potential of peer interaction to foster active engagement and collaborative learning among learners, irrespective of demographic differences.
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