Investigating the Impact of Providing Supplementary Resources in Optimizing Teaching Grammar Tenses
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The concept of grammar tenses is a fundamental element of English language teaching, and in spite of various views on the topic, grammar instruction is still implemented in many educational institutions worldwide. The present study aims to examine the effectiveness of additional resources in optimizing teaching grammar tenses to Kurdish EFL secondary school learners. The current study follows a quantitative approach using a quasi-experimental design for pre-test and post-test groups to analyze the data. The sample of the study comprised 45 participants from one of the private secondary schools in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). The Independent Sample T-test was conducted to investigate the differences between the pre-test and post-test. Moreover, the Paired Samples Test was utilized to assess the statistical differences between the control group and experimental group. The findings of the study illustrated that there is no significant variation between the pre-test and post-test of the control group. On the other hand, the difference between control and experimental groups was statistically significant, indicating that the participants from the experimental group gained more benefit from the supplementary materials than the control group members. It has been demonstrated that learners in the experimental group derived greater benefit from the supplementary materials compared to those in the control group. The outcome of this study could be beneficial to raise the awareness of the teachers, educators, and policymakers to implement more additional materials to those learners who have struggles in grammar tenses and aspects during the language learning process.
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